Longevity Newsletter

Join our newsletter to learn about the latest research and breakthroughs in canine longevity.

Longevity Newsletter


We’ll never spam you and will only send out emails when we have material to send.

How it Works:

We give researchers and biotech companies a portal they can use to convey information to us. Such as when a new clinical trial is underway or when a medication has entered pre-clinicals, or when research has uncovered something new and potentially amazing.

We review this information and disseminate it to our readers as quickly as possible including links to any relevant journal publications or posters and keeping the updates brief so professionals can quickly review the newsletter and only focus on what matters the most to them.

Our Guides for Humans will also be updated as we get more information in to help dog parents, vets, and researchers keep up to date on the latest treatment options for lift-threatening conditions in canines and the latest ways to extend the lives of canines.